Blog posts now being done on my Facebook page

HI Everyone! If you are interested in seeing what I'm working on, etc. please visit my Facebook page.  I found it much easier to post there and add photos/explanations than here plus it's easier for me to answer questions.    Hugs, Cindy

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Background Fill-Linen Wholecloth Quilt

I am currently working on a linen wholecloth quilt and thought I'd take advantage of a "teaching moment" to share a couple tips with you! When I'm working on a wholecloth quilt I quilt my "big bones" first.  In otherwords, I stitch down the major lines and motifs to stabilize the quilt.  Then I go back in and do the fillers and the smaller details. With this particular piece I noticed that the corners where the clamshells would be was poofing up too much so it was time to go in an nail this area down while it was still...

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#26. Cool Tools!!!!

This video talks about the Quilters Select rulers, rotary cutter and ruler handle that I just learned about as well as my new pieced linen quilt! CLICK HERE for the video. CLICK HERE for the Rotary Cutter Handout. CLICK HERE for the Ruler Handle Handout. CLICK HERE to purchase Quilters Select items from The Quilt Show.

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#25. Ultimate Wholecloth #103. Border Designs.

This video will give you some tips on making borders fit.  The two borders that are being shared are part of the Ultimate Wholecloth Patterns #103.  These patterns will be available hopefully in the next 30 days or so. CLICK HERE for the video.

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