I have some dedicated time at home and can start indulging in more tutorials and posts. I wanted to share how you can use TWO of the Ultimates to easily create quilting designs.

Most of you are already familiar with the circle and square Ultimate Stencils. You may or may/not be familiar with the newest addition to this collection, The Ultimate Shape. I explain to my students that these Ultimates are TOOLS...you use parts of them to create lines, curves and designs.
The Ultimate Shape comes in four different sizes, i.e., 2", 4", 6" and 8". This provides four different sized curves and angles to use on all kinds of designs.

This is a design out of my Ultimate Stencils design book. I want to show you how easy it is to make the curved lines using the Ultimate Shape as a guide.

I used the circle Ultimate Stencil as my guide to provide perfect angles. I took my Ultimate Shape and lined up one of the arches with the middle of the Ultimate Stencil and one of the angles and drew my line.

I repeated this using every other angle as my guide.

Next I took a smaller Ultimate Shape and used one of the arches to finish the blades. I used the circle lines to line up the arch to keep it consistent throughout the design.

This is a great design that has lots of room for adding fillers or lines to make it even more fun!
Hugs, Cindy :)