In keeping with my blog tutorials, I'm passing on some tips on quilting borders using the Repetitive Square stencil from the Ultimate Borders collection.
I love this design as there are a jillion different ways you can repeat this, add to it with different motifs and add other borders to it.
I'm going to keep this tutorial very simple. I marked the repetitive squares once...
...and then moved the stencil over and added another layer of squares. The top squares have been filled with repetitive lines and the middle squares with cathedral windows.
In previous posts I've talked about quilting a primary line twice if you do a lot of traveling. In this case with the repetitive lines in the squares I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling on those lines and I don't want that to show.
Here's a photo showing how I quilted all the squares with Kimono Silk's thin and it won't show.
I filled in my repetitive lines and cathedral windows traveling on the prequilted lines.
Then I went back and requilted those lines with a 40 wt. thread to hide the traveling.
Hugs, Cindy :)